Feminist teachers: NUWT
“Men must be educated and women must do it”: the National Union of Women Teachers and Contemporary Feminism
This article written with Alison Oram explores the feminist politics of the National Federation (later Union) of Women Teachers from 1910 – 1930.It argues that the teachers’ union should be seen as much a part of contemporary feminism as of educational trades unionism.The feminists were conscious of the effect of the state on their lives and saw their enfranchisement as a way of obtaining a voice in the educational and political arena.It also discusses their activity in the 1920s as ‘equal rights’ or so-called ‘old feminists’ I expanded upon this material in my book Deeds not Words.
(with Alison Oram) Gender and Education 2:2, 1990, pp.147 – 16
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