Posts tagged ‘history’

- 01.7.21Animal-Human History – new paperback – £30
- 011.13.19Remembering Raphael Samuel : Alison Light and A Radical Romance
- 08.9.18Ossuary with skulls and bones in Hythe, Kent
- 02.14.18Animal – human histories in a history book?
- 03.31.16Public lecture: A Magnificent Obsession? A historian’s search for a man (and his horse) in the archive
- 09.13.15Scientists, Historians and Cats
- 05.5.13Second new course: A history of animals in Britain c. 1900-2000
- 05.5.13New course: A history of animals in Britain c.1800 -1900
- 07.21.12Writing – and talking – about cats
- 07.14.12Writing Animal-Human History
- 06.17.12Online Animal Museum: History and Animals
- 25.20.12Update on Unofficial Histories Conference
- 04.21.12Animal Rights
- 04.8.12Anthrozoos new article on animal history
- 03.24.12Women on the Home Front:Shifting relationships between women, cats and dogs
- 03.20.12Britain as a nation of animal lovers?
- 13.15.12Feminists and Socialists oppose vivisection
- 03.15.12Anti-vivisection in nineteenth century Britain
- 03.15.12Anti-vivisection history
- 411.19.11Animals and humans during the war