The Great Cat and Dog Massacre – copy edits finished!
I have recently finished and sent off the copy edits for my book on the cat and dog massacre of the Second World War. The book that I have been working on for some years finally has a title: The Great Cat and Dog Massacre.The Real Story of World War Two’s Unknown Tragedy. Clearly the slaughter of 400,000 cats and dogs in London in September 1939, previously summarised here, plays a key role in the work but so does the emerging closer relationship between companion animals and their human keepers in the rest of the war.
The University of Chicago Press has said, however, that it will not appear until Spring 2017 which seems a great way off and a far longer wait than is usual with British publishers.
I am pleased that the book will contain some thirty images – most of which I had not seen before researching for this work.They include the photograph above of the back of the Animals in War memorial which I have previously written about here.
Over the next few months I will be starting to organise speaking about the book in various venues so please contact me if you would like me to come and speak at your event next year.
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