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Animal-Human History – new paperback – £30

2021 January 7


Nick Brand’s image of elephant footprints in Amboseli

Our new paperback, by Philip Howell and me, is just out. It includes 23 articles, 30 visual images and the excellent cover photograph of Elephants Footprints, of the animal photographer, Nick Brandt..It questions to what extent animals are involved as agents in social processes, and explores the connection between artistic practice and quasi- historical features.It is not simply about the need for humans to defend animals but about the very existence of animals themselves that often been overlooked.

The hardback  was selling – or not – at the sum of £188 – even being sold in Abe Books  for over £200 even in Britain! I’m pleased to say that no new paperback is on sale there.

Instead in a range of suppliers the sum is within the £30 (Also available even cheaper in ebooks)

I realise that we cannot browse nowadays through books physically in libraries but they can be ordered and then available for collection to take home – even under tier 4.(At least it happens in East Sussex!) If you have online access this too can be purchased by the library as a kindle ebook.

Several reviews have supported and liked the book including:

“Kean and Howell have put together an extraordinary collection which will be a classic text not only for animal-human history in particular, but for human animal studies in general… as they are in this substantial, edifying Companion.” Wendy Woodward Animal Studies Journal 9:1, 2020.
“As a wide-ranging survey of where animal–human history has been, what it is now, and which tools and approaches can be used to expand its reach in the future, the Routledge Companion to Animal–Human History is itself a statement of the coming of age of the field. “ Nancy Cushing, Anthrozoos 33:3, 2020
“This self-conscious aim to offer essays that might introduce newcomers to the field makes this collection a truly important contribution to the fast-expanding field.… this collection shows in many fascinating ways just how we are going about attempting to address them” “ Erica Fudge, Society and Animals 27, 2019.
“… the Companion showcases not only animal-human history’s immense scope, but also the lively contradictions that abound within it. ..the political decision to include animals more explicitly in our historical writing and research is to be celebrated,. Ben Garlick, Journal of Historical Geography.66, 2019.

One of the many images in the book includes that of The Pikeman’s Dog Memorial by Charles Smith & Joan Walsh-Smith at Ballarat, near Melbourne. As noted earlier in this website the dog was there with the diggers in the C19th but has only just being acknowledged and memorialised in the C21st.


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