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Book launch Public History Reader

2013 March 9

Book launch at the Bishopsgate Institute 9 March 2013

I am just back from the very successful launch of the Public History Reader (edited with Paul Martin). It was great to see so many people including several who had given permission for extracts from their own work to be used in the book,namely, novelist Lawrence Scott and his work with the sugar cane workers in Golconda in Trinidad, historian Jorma Kalela and his writing about his projects with the paper workers’ union in Finland and artist Rhiannon Williams whose paper patchwork made from cut up volumes of Proust took longer to create than his written words !It was particularly good to welcome photographer of people and London, Colin O’Brien, whose image of Italian boys in Clerkenwell graces the cover.

There was lively discussion and exchange of ideas around history as a social construction of knowledge and the processes by which the past becomes history.

Unfortunately illness prevented Paul Martin from attending but he will be writing up the remarks he would have made for a future page of this website.

You can buy the Reader by going to the Routledge website . It has also been ordered by the London Review Bookshop

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