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October walk: Animal Pasts in Hyde Park

2013 July 29

Remains of wreathes on the Animals in War memorial in Park Lane, December 2012

From Lancaster Gate around parts of the park and its nearby environs ending near Marble Arch tube

Hyde Park is not just a site of human demonstrations and concerts. It is a space in which animals have also lived, died and been remembered and not only at the Animals in War memorial in Park Lane. This walk of c. two and a half hours will offer a different way of seeing this part of London.

Companion animals welcome.

 Saturday 12  October

2pm meet outside Lancaster Gate tube, Lancaster Gate, W2 3NA

I am organising this walk as a fund raiser for the Hillside Animal Sanctuary that offers a home for life to animals rescued from the farming industry. Hillside also campaigns for animals in need, especially those routinely abused in factory farming.

You must register in advance so I can advise you of any last minute changes etc – by emailing me through the website – hilda[at]hildakean[dot]com

Please bring a cheque made out to Hillside Animal Sanctuary – suggested minimum donation £8

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