15th year of the Public History Group

Memorial by the Suffragette Fellowship – leading public historians of the suffrage movement – near Caxton Hall, Westminster
I have just been finalising the programme for the group and realised that it has been running for 15 years. The group originated from the first graduates of the MA in Public History at Ruskin College, Oxford who wanted to continue meeting and sharing ideas. Since then it has developed and grown. Over the years dozens and dozens of people have presented work – and hundreds have attended on a Saturday morning.
Since Autumn 2011 we have been fortunate to meet at the wonderful Bishopsgate Institute opposite Liverpool St station. In the coming year we have six sessions encompassing the Great Diary Project – now at the Bishopsgate – and as discussed on BBC radio 4 earlier this summer; a new exhibition on the life of Florence Hancock in Wiltshire; a new book on anti-fascism by an insider in the movement; the role of labour history museums today; people’s histories of the former inhabitants of their houses and a new public history collection.
As always all events are free and open to all. Ideas for future sessions welcome!
See the events section for details of specific events
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